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All courses Diet 1 / 2025 sold out! Our next course will be Diet 2 / 2025 (May 31st 2025) - available NOW

Retesh Bajaj
Cardiology ST7
Founder and Course Lead

Dr Fizzah Ali is a neurology registrar based in London. Following graduation, Fizzah commenced combined clinical and academic training. She went on to complete an Academic Foundation Programme, before moving into a competitive National Institute of Health Research funded Academic Clinical Fellowship at the level of core medical training. Fizzah has completed Membership of the Royal College of Physicians exams, as well as her Neurology Specialty Certificate Examination.

Fizzah Ali

Communication Skills Lead

Dr Ramsay Tabbara is a senior Interventional Cardiology SpR at Barts Heart Centre and an exceptional clinical teacher with expertise and passion for clinical skills and how to score well in the PACES format in particular. He has been involved in PACES teaching at Barts and other centres with close to a decade of experience.

Ramsay Tabbara

Course Co-Lead and Instructor

Dr Gordon Plant was appointed Consultant Neurologist to Queen Square, St. Thomas' Medical Eye Unit and Moorfields Eye Hospital in 1991. Gordon has been an enthusiastic educator at all levels throughout his career. The Queen Square PACES course was his brain child and he has taught on every course since its inauguration in 1995. He is in demand for teaching and lecturing worldwide, has given many named lectures and been awarded numerous medals and visiting professorships.

Gordon Plant

Course Instructor

Dr Salim Cheeroth is a consultant in acute and geriatric medicine at the Royal London Hospital, where he wears many hats in education including being the College Tutor. Throughout his career, Sal has had an inexhaustible energy for teaching and training. He has enthusiastically been involved in bedside PACES teaching for over 20 years, including setting up PACES courses. Sal is a Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London and co-leads a module on their Masters in Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine.

Salim Cheeroth

Course Instructor

Dr Tara Latimer is an ST4 Neurology Registrar in London, having ranked 1st nationally for her Neurology application. She attended GKT medical school as a graduate, following careers as an opera singer, linguist and in arts management. She graduated from medical school in the top 1% of the cohort, with four distinctions, and was proxime accessit to the London Gold Medal Vivas. She is passionate about teaching and has delivered many bedside PACES teaching sessions to IMT trainees. She has a Postgraduate Certificate of Education and was co-founder of the IMT teaching programme at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Tara Latimer

Course Instructor

Asim is a Rheumatology Consultant currently working at King's College Hospital and University College London Hospital. He has several achievements during his training including the RSM Barbara Ansell prize, several publications and acting as the medical registrar lead in several Trusts to help improve junior doctor and medical registrar training.

He has previously been the lead organiser of the PACES exam held at Whipps Cross in 2019. He has also been involved in recruitment of patients for the exam and writing several station 5 scenarios. Prior to this, he also helped with the organisation and delivery of both formative and official PACES exams in other Trusts.

Asim Khan

Course Instructor

Dr Saleem Ansari is a registrar in metabolic medicine and chemical pathology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He is an aspiring clinical academic who is passionate about training future doctors. Saleem’s teaching style links basic science to clinical medicine to reinforce key concepts.

Saleem Ansari

Course Instructor

Dr Parizad Avari is a Consultant Diabetologist and Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK. Parizad is actively involved in medical education, at an undergraduate and postgraduate level, and is involved in supervision of BSc and MRes students at Imperial College London. She has been involved in PACES teaching since 2018 and has also contributed to the contributed to the EASD e-Learning programme.

Parizad Avari

Course Instructor

Ms Ishani Barai is an Ophthalmology registrar in North West London and will be working as a Clinical teaching fellow at Moorfields Eye Hospital. She graduated from Imperial College London in 2017 with Distinction and First Class Honours in Haematology (BSc). She successfully completed her FRCOphth exams in 2024.

Throughout her training, she has been actively involved in medical education both as an Academic foundation trainee at Imperial and with Moorfields Academy. She is formalising her interest by completing a PG Dip in Clinical Education. She is a current member of the London Trainee Network. 

Ishani Barai

Course Instructor

Kavina is a senior rheumatology registrar at University College London Hospital, currently undertaking basic science research investigating novel therapies for SLE. Kavina graduated in 2012 from UCL with a distinction in Medical Sciences and First Class honours in her intercalated physiology BSc, winning the research prize. She was named winner of the Annual Excellence Award for Research in 2017 by London North West HealthCare. She has delivered lectures at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) as well as regional training days for core medical trainees in London Deanery and was awarded a Foundation Teaching Merit by London Deanery.

Kavina Shah

Course Instructor

Mr Thomas Nash is a senior Ophthalmology registrar currently working at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He has been committed to medical education throughout his career so far and recently completed a PG Dip in Clinical Education.  

Thomas Nash

Course Instructor

Dr Clarke is a Consultant in Acute, General and Intensive Care Medicine with a passion for medical education. He work at The Royal London hospital and is an Honorary Clinical Teaching Fellow for Queen Mary University of London.

Andy Clarke

Course Instructor

Dr Nicole Hrouda is an Infectious Diseases registrar at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. Nicole has a passion for teaching, grounded in a strong academic background including a First Class Honours degree in Medical Education from the University of Leeds.
Nicole has collaborated with MedSync in 2019 in designing and examining mock OSCE stations and has been a dedicated mentor in the FOCUS program, offering weekly bedside teaching to final-year medical students. Nicole has thoroughly enjoyed being a member of the Intelligent PACES faculty, following her own positive experience of the course and successful completion of the PACES examination in 2023.

Nicole Hrouda

Course Instructor

Dr Akin Nihat is a senior neurology registrar working in London, having previously undertaken a research fellowship at the Institute of Prion Diseases and a postgraduate certificate in medical education. Akin has longstanding interests in clinical education, widening access, and resisting all forms of neurophobia.

Akin Nihat

Course Instructor

Dr Sile Egan is a Medical Registrar, working as a Respiratory Senior Clinical Fellow at Barts Health NHS Trust. She is passionate about medical education at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and has been an enthusiastic and friendly member of the faculty since completing her own PACES examination in 2022!

Sile Egan

Course Instructor

Dr. Ammar Abdelaziz is a neurology registrar in London. He was accepted into one of the most competitive training programs in the country. Dr. Abdelaziz has a passion for teaching that started early in his career. He was appointed as an associate college tutor and regularly delivered PACES teaching sessions, which helped many students pass the exam. He brings his experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to this exceptional group.

Ammar Abdelaziz

Course Instructor

Hopeful Rehab Medicine applicant 🤞
Independently sat MRCP (PACES23) 🎓
Passionate about Med Education ❤️
Full PACES23 exam review on my channel 👍

Daniel Beese

Course Instructor

Acute internal medicine SpR at Barts Health with a passion for medical education and bedside clinical skills.

Donald Pang

Course Instructor

Jovanna is a senior endocrinology registrar at Barts Health and a clinical research fellow, currently pursuing a PhD in reproductive endocrinology at Imperial College London. She graduated from University College London (UCL) with an undergraduate medical degree in 2014, where she also completed an intercalated BSc in Physiology, achieving first-class honours. Additionally, Jovanna holds a postgraduate diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education from Queen Mary University of London. Passionate about medical education, Jovanna actively engages in teaching individuals from diverse backgrounds, both informally and formally. She has gained significant experience in PACES teaching, demonstrating her commitment to sharing knowledge and supporting the development of future medical professionals.

Jovanna Tsoutsouki

Course Instructor

Dr Shruti Dorai is an IMT3 Doctor working at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. She has extensive training in medical education, having completed a PG Cert in MedEd with distinction and PG Diploma in Clinical Education. Shruti has organised numerous teaching courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well as helping several colleagues successfully pass their PACES exams.

Shruti Dorai

Course Instructor

Charlie is a Medical Oncology Registrar in South London, soon starting a PhD in Lung Cancer through a competitive CRUK-funded Clinical Research Training Fellowship at the Francis Crick Institute.

She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy after completing training in teaching clinical examination and communication skills at the University of Cambridge, and has led several PACES courses with excellent feedback. She particularly enjoys teaching effective communication (as is so key in Oncology), and with clinical experience in both Thoracic Surgery and Lung Oncology, has excellent insights to share regarding the respiratory station.

Charlotte Grieco

Course Instructor

Dr Ayesha Khan is an IMT3 medical registrar in South East London. She graduated from King's College London in 2018, and has completed an intercalated BSc in psychology, PGCert in Medical Education and PGDip in Clinical Education. She has a wealth of experience in teaching, including designing, organising and delivering various multi-session teaching courses to medical students. For her work, she was awarded foundation awards for leadership, teaching excellence and outstanding contribution. She was one of the first candidates to sit and successfully pass the new PACES23 exam format. Since then, she has accepted a role as Clinical Tutor in her hospital and regularly provides bedside teaching to PACES candidates.

Ayesha Khan

Course Instructor

Dr Thanos Emmanuel is an Internal Medicine Resident at Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust. After successfully completing PACES exams he was extensively involved with PACES Teaching in various hospitals and has developed a guidebook and online resource helping candidates throughout the world to prepare for the exam. His teaching experience and enthusiasm for skin disease and dermatology brings exceptional value to our team in his role as the lead dermatology instructor for our course.

Thanos Emmanuel

Course Instructor

Our Team

Bunny Saberwal
Cardiology Consultant
Founder and Course Lead

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