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Our Course is now full. Collecting interest for a second potential date late Feb (join waitlist via "Book Now")

Welcome toIntelligent PACES

The most effective MRCP PACES exampreparation courses - right in the heart of London.Study. Smarter.

What makes us different.

MRCP PACES Candidate

Focused. Concentrated. Effective.

Our flagship clinical skills course is over a single day but we dont skimp on teaching - with 15-20 patients at the course hand-picked for clinical signs and in several cases, patients who have been at the MRCP PACES exams.


By enforcing no more than 2 candidates per bedside plus an instructor per patient we deliver the most intense teaching experience possible - and the highest in the UK of any course, guaranteed. (Or choose the new SOLO option and go around every patient 1:1 with an instructor per patient - for those who want as much clinical examination and viva practice as possible).

By focusing on a small number of courses per year and a strict limit on candidate numbers we keep our teaching quality as high as possible.


Make sure you have a coffee! (Refreshments and lunch are provided on the day!)


Communication skills day.

By popular demand, we recently launched a communication skills day that focuses specifically on Stations 1 and 4. This is a teaching day attended virtually on a Sunday and includes didactic talks focusing on key cases and how best to handle them followed by one-on-one practice with an instructor for 45 minutes in pairs to practice through scenarios with individual feedback.


Focused. Concentrated. Effective.


Unparalleled convenience.

Both our clinical and communication skills courses run over a single day each on the weekend, making it convenient for candidates on busy rotas. Get prepped and don't stress about study leave.


Mock exam with feedback.

During the clinical skills course, you will see patients in a carousel format going patient-by-patient in timed conditions. While every case can be treated as a mock exam if you are close to ready and just want the stress test of your skills, there is an inherent mock exam built into the day specifically to put your skills to the test!

Our instructors are hand-selected registrars and consultants specifically picked for their expertise in PACES teaching or because they are examiners for PACES.


Join our WhatsApp group: get in touch directly with the course leads and ask PACES Q&As. We also hold occasional talks on PACES topics. We are going to try and build this into a helpful community supporting PACES candidates.

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